Communicating. Connecting.
Innovating. Engaging.



With more than 20 years experience in B2B Industrial International Companies in Marketing and Communication, I have had the pleasure to manage projects with colleagues from around the world.

Embracing teams with different personalities and cultures had always been an enthusiastic challenge!

My professional experience is a strength to any company that would like to bring a step further to their business.

Education is also a must-have for tomorrow’s working environment; my wish is to start to help schools and students with educational modules.



We are all in a place where we share what we know, what we’ve learned, how we have mastered our skills.

I have a professional background of over 25 years. In 2011 I went through the process of overhauling my career and exploring a more focused path according to my skills. Four years down that road, I launched my digital marketing agency Brieffin Consulting.

I bring to this project my experiences, the knowledge I have collected by being day-in, day-out involved in the non-stop business of digital marketing and communication, and being part of amazing projects with B2B companies globally.


The path to growing in experience and knowledge is still ongoing with every new opportunity that comes our way.

So here we are, ready to share this with you and continue growing together.

Stronger Together

Processes, communication, management, ownership, budget, and resources are key constraints to a project, and when there is a lack of one or more of these in your working environment, they become roadblocks to success.

Together we can find solutions to move forward, support you and your team, and continuously learn and discover your hidden talents.

Here is what you can accomplish together with us at CreaGeen:

Creativity, Ideation, Product Launches, Corporate, Internal & External Communication, Digital Communication, Events orgnization, New Ways of Working, New Environments Adaptation, Participative Management, Mission and Vision and more.

There’s no such thing as learning too much.

Our lives are digitally changing and we’re committed to the challenge of evolving along with it, for our clients, and for ourselves.

Communication. Connecting. Innovating. Engaging.