“Engaging the hearts, minds, and hands of talent is the most sustainable source of competitive advantage.”
Greg Harris
Organizations today recognize the importance and need for a healthy work environment in creating positive outcomes.
Creating an environment and culture that supports employee health, wellness, and creativity allows them to thrive and feel fulfilled, helping them stay physically and mentally fit.
Changes to how we work and live, our dependence on digital interactions, and the increasing demand for work/life balance have led to new ways of working.
Companies that fail to adapt to these new ways of working will find it challenging to attract and retain new employees or create a sustainable competitive advantage in a fast-paced digitized world.
Companies need to think outside their current or traditional workspaces to create healthy working environments. Here’s where to start.
Office Design
With a return to the office on the cards, now is the perfect time for companies to reimagine how workspace affects employees.
The space teams work in effect both their productivity and sense of purpose. Office design is about creating spaces that facilitate creativity and productivity.
While office design can incorporate things like seating, lighting, colors, and even biophilic design to increase connectivity to the natural environment, it is ultimately there to fulfill the needs of the people doing the work.
Staff Wellness
It’s no secret that how happy, fulfilled, and engaged employees are, is directly linked to business results and success. Prioritizing wellness in the workplace is no longer something that can be brushed aside. Changes to the way we work have placed a spotlight on employee health, happiness and purpose.
Companies need to recognize there is no one size fits all solution to improving staff wellness. It’s about gaining a holistic view of the employees and understanding which changes to company culture will significantly impact and improve their wellbeing.
Adapting to Digitalization
As more companies undergo digital transformations, the success of these changes relies on employees understanding and using new technologies and innovations.
With technology’s role in business success continuing to grow, companies must empower employees with the skills they need to adapt to digitization.
Creating dialogues, encouraging collaboration and engagement, investing in training for all employees (including executives), and allowing people to experiment with new digital tech helps reduce the skills gap and resistance to adapting to the new ways of working.
Easier Internal Communication
Boosting internal communication can help nurture company culture and build solid engagement. The health of a workplace environment and, in turn, the company can usually be judged by the level of internal communication. The ease with which employees share information affects morale, collaboration, and creativity.
Putting in place an effective internal communications strategy can help build a cohesive company culture. One that leads to increased productivity, better transparency, and how valued employees feel.
Role Transitions
The New Ways of Working in a dynamic and agile arena require companies to make the most of internal movements. Supporting employees and managers during a transition to a higher-level or more challenging position is crucial in making the change a success.
With new social dynamics to consider, expectations for the role, and the knock-on effect felt throughout the company. Supporting role transitions have become more critical in making promotions sustainable.
This support can come in various forms, such as working with employees on a transition plan to get them up to speed, helping them let go of a previous role, providing training on soft skills, and the importance of networking in a leadership position.
Are you utilizing your team’s full creative potential?
At CreaGeen, we use our expertise to create an environment for internal creativity to thrive, helping you re-energize and push your business forward.
Innovating. Creating. Connecting. Engaging.